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Short essay on patriotism

Short essay on patriotism

short essay on patriotism

Free sample essay on Patriotism. Patriotism means intense love for one’s motherland. It is the virtue which makes man does anything for his native country. A patriot is always concerned for the progress of his country. All his acts and moves are guided by the thought that his country should be the fore-runner in the comity of nations in every blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins 7/9/ · Patriotism. Patriotism means a noble sentiment of love, pride, and sacrifice for the sake of one’s country and its people. A person, who supports his /her country, and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors is known as a patriot. The passion of patriotism is said to flow in the blood of blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins 3/9/ · Patriotism can be defined as the quality of becoming patriotic. Patriotic is someone who has respect, loyalty, and devotion towards his nation and robust support for the homeland. Patriots were known for their country’s love and affection, and feel very proud to be the blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

Short and Long Essay on Patriotism for Students

Patriotism—Its Merits short essay on patriotism Limitations. Patriotism Versus Internationalism. Patriotism Alone is not Short essay on patriotism. Just as we love our father and mother, so we love land of our birth. This feeling is called patriotism. Water Scott has rightly said:. Breather there the man with soul so dead. Who to himself hath never said:.

But we find some people who love themselves more than they love their parents. They think of their own happiness and comforts before the comforts and happiness of their father and mother.

Similarly, short essay on patriotism, some people short essay on patriotism their country less and love themselves more.

Such people are selfish. This should not be the case. It shows an unfeeling heart and a selfish nature. Just as it is the first duty of a child to love his home, short essay on patriotism, so also it is the first duty of every one to love the land of his birth. A man owes much to the land of his birth.

Just as he grows up in the lap of his mother, he is brought from making any sacrifice for his mother land when he is called upon to do so. Who can forget the great sacrifices of Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chander Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Gandhi, Nehru and other freedom fighters who sacrificed their all for the freedom of their motherland? Such patriots are honoured very where in all ages. Patriotism is of two kinds: the first is a healthy one and should be encouraged while the second one is of an undesirable kind and should be condemned.

Healthy patriotism teaches us to love out county with all our heart and to do everything in our power to make our country happy, great and glorious. IT tells us to build our glory on the ruins and suffering of other nations.

The first kind of patriotism is good for our country and for the world The second kind of patriotism is bad for the world and will, sooner or later, be bad for the country that oppresses others. It is our duty to love the land of our birth. It is also our duty not to hate other nations. We must try to cultivate a healthy type of patriotism and to devote short essay on patriotism whole heartedly to the uplift and prosperity of our own country. Patriotism must go hand in hand with internationalism.

Such patriotism as encourages narrow, parochial fanaticism is a bad type of patriotism which has no place in a fastly progressing civilization of today.

Patriotism means intense love and support to ones own country. Patriotism and nationalism is one and the same thing for both believe in putting national interests above other international considerations.

Patriotism is one of the strongest human sentiments. It is expected from every citizen of a country that he or she would cherish a deep and abiding love and concern for the country, short essay on patriotism, yet there can be found many traitors and spurious patriots. They are a real danger to a country. They are more dangerous than real enemies. A nation can guard well against external and known enemy, but it is not so easy to deal with internal enemy in the guise of false and spurious patriots.

They never hesitate to betray their country for personal gains. It was altogether a different matter that demon king Ravana was a tyrant and embodiment of evil. True patriots are the real strength of a nation. A nation is not only a physical entity of land, rivers, mountains, industries, etc. but also an intense feeling and love of the masses. The citizen of a nation are always ready to make any sacrifice for the unity, integrity, safety and progress of their country.

They consider no sacrifice too great to be made for their beloved mother or fatherland. India has produced many great patriots like Shivaji, Rana Pratap, Maharani Lakshmi Bai, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Short essay on patriotism Nehru, Sardar Patel, short essay on patriotism, Maulana Azad, Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, to name only a few.

The sacrifices made by them are written in golden words in the history of our country. Many of them died for the sake of our motherland, and thus became martyrs. Patriotism is a must for the success of a country both in peace and war. But it is war which tests the real patriotism. A patriot in crisis is a patriot indeed.

One who fails to come forward to offer his valuable services during crisis is not a patriot, but a traitor. In such a vast country as India it is not surprising if there are a few traitors. It is with every country, but we should always be on our guard against such elements.

Sometimes we hear of such people as passing on vital secrets to foreigners and enemies for money and other gains. They should be condemned in no uncertain terms. Narrow self-interests and self-aggrandisement is the guiding principle of the life of such abominable people. Such selfish people should be exposed and suitably punished. It is the duty and obligation of every citizen to be faithful to his or her country.

Complete allegiance to ones own country is a great virtue. Patriotism means intellectual, emotional and sentimental involvement into the affairs of a nation.

There are many occasions to show ones patriotism, but during external aggression or internal subversion it can be most suitably expressed. The patriotic fervour satisfies some of our deepest urges. One should be a patriot both in letter and spirit. They should be well matched with true patriotic actions.

I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. These comments draw our attention to the dangers of jingoism which propagates narrow short essay on patriotism and aggressive patriotism. There is no denying the fact that in the name of patriotism the peace and progress of the world have been jeopardized many a time. The last two world wars are a living example of this danger. The Nazis under Hitler in Germany made mass killings, particularly of the Jews, in the name of patriotism and German nationalism.

In this context patriotism is not really enough. It should ultimately merge into internationalism. We should always sacrifice lesser good for the short essay on patriotism of greater good.

Such undesirable patriotism has given rise to fascism and nazism which have been a real danger, for the world. With the rapid advancement of science and technology, the countries of the world have come closer, and the distances have shrunk.

This has ushered in a closer world cooperation and understanding. Gone are the days when countries lived in isolation. Today the nations are interlinked and short essay on patriotism. Our patriotism should be tempered with the thoughts of world cooperation, understanding, short essay on patriotism, peace and prosperity of others.

In this age of speed, enlightenment education and world cooperation patriotism does not mean blind faith and alone. All men are equal and essentially one. All people laugh, weep and feel in the same fashion. Their requirements are the same. The differences are not real but apparent, and the divisions men-made. It does not mean there is no room for patriotism. It only means that patriotism should be understood and practised in its proper perspective and that it should merge into internationalism as do the various rivers into the sea.

It is a divine spark in the human breast. It teaches a man to love his own native land more than anything else. A patriot thinks no sacrifice too great for his country; he is ever prepared to die for his motherland. Patriotism is a noble virtue. The Sanskrit proverb says that your mother and motherland are greater even than heaven, short essay on patriotism. Has she not nursed us on her lap, nourished us of her plenty and sheltered us in her warmth?

But this should not bind us to the fact that patriotism is everything, it may not always be the highest duty of a man. A narrow-minded exclusive patriotism is a positive danger.

It is this sort of foolish thing that the Englishmen constantly applaud in themselves and condemn in others. This is the brand of patriotism that Rabindranath denounced in his lectures on Nationalism. A bigoted patriotism is a perpetual cause of war.

And this patriotism flourishes whenever there is war. All wars are born of similar sentiments. Patriotism often makes us unjust, unfair and ungenerous in our estimate of other people.

Every nation, every race, has something definite and distinctive to contribute to the cultural heritage of short essay on patriotism world. But all missionary zeal that draws its inspiration from national self-love is wrong, short essay on patriotism.

Patriotism Essay in English - Essay on Patriotism For Class 10

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Essay on “Patriotism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

short essay on patriotism

7/30/ · Patriotism. Patriotism means intense love and support to ones own country. Patriotism and nationalism is one and the same thing for both believe in putting national interests above other international considerations. Patriotism is one of the strongest human blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins 6/1/ · Short Essay on Importance of Patriotism words in English. Importance of Patriotism Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Patriotism is the feeling of love and affection for our nation. As citizens of India, we must respect our country and its ideals. India does not belong to just one person; it belongs to all blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins 3/6/ · Long and Short Essay on Patriotism in English Patriotism Essay 1 ( words) Patriotism is putting the interest of one’s country first, working for its development and sacrificing for it if need. Many people think that patriotism is all about laying one’s life for Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins

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