Saturday, April 24, 2021

Reflection paper in research

Reflection paper in research

reflection paper in research

Reflection on Research Process. My Portfolio. My research process was one of trial and error. Having only a little experience doing research from high school, I often found myself navigating around to find the best way to approach things. Starting off my research I really didn’t know where to go. Although, we had learned about the several 12/8/ · Reflection is a crucial cognitive practice in the research field (Dahlberg, Drew, & Nyström, ; Steier, ). Starting from the “interpretive turn,” reflexivity is largely practiced in qualitative research, where it is used to legitimate and validate research by: 25 11/5/ · Research Paper Reflection. November 5, sae Lesson 9 research paper was the first research paper I have ever done, and the first paper I had to write in several years. I was anxious when I saw this assignment on the syllabus, as writing has never been a strong suit of mine

Research Paper Reflection | Stephen Estrada

To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser, reflection paper in research. Skip to main content, reflection paper in research. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Reflections on Research. Mike Lambert. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. Foreword by Professor Caroline GippsTeacher-research: developing the reflective practitioner I am delighted to have been invited to write a foreword for this publication.

It is a fascinating set of case studies that has been produced by these undergraduate final-year students. The aim of the project has been to encourage students to engage in reflective research activity whilst they are still 'in training'. The outcome is that this will help them to become reflective practitioners and prepare them for taking a research approach to their professional development. This is a fairly unusual, even ground breaking, reflection paper in research, approach in teacher education.

We know that newly qualified teachers will be encouraged to take Masters-level courses when they are settled into their schools, reflection paper in research. I feel sure that the experience of doing these research projects and having them published will help these beginning teachers to see the importance of continuing with their own professional development. I hope that those of you who read or dip into this reflection paper in research will see its value, as well as finding the projects themselves interesting.

It is an open door into understanding how undergraduates see the interaction between what they are learning in the University and their developing practice; how this affects their teaching and how the children's learning feeds back into how they think about their teaching. As someone who has spent much of their career doing research in schools, I am delighted to see that we are encouraging beginning primary-school teachers to become researchers themselves.

On behalf of the University and members of the School of Education I commend this publication to you. Professor Caroline GippsVice-Chancellor University of Wolverhampton Introduction: Reflection and research Lesley MycroftThis introduction sets the wider context to the projects summarised and evaluated in this publication.

It links the ideas about reflective practice of John Dewey with current concerns and examines the idea that teachers should themselves be 'researchers', as an important aspect of their professional work reflection paper in research responsibility. The introduction goes on to highlight the importance of the project topics in this collection and notes their continuing relevance for the writers and for other beginning teachers as reflective and researching practitioners.

Taber has put forward a model of teacher professionalism which expects that all teachers will be able to evaluate classroom practice. For Taber this meant beginning with evaluation of one's own teaching and planning improvement to it, reflection paper in research. Furthermore, teachers also need to consider the effective practice of others and know 'how to collect suitable evidence to inform evaluation of a existing practice, and b the effect of any innovations introduced' p.

This may mean a teacher does not always have to 'reinvent the wheel' in order to teach effectively, Pring's suggestion was that educational research could be predominantly about the classroom and what occurs between teacher and learner in the learning process.

He also highlighted the complexity of the process, suggesting that 'understanding human beings and thus researching into what they do and how they behave calls upon many different methods, each making complex assumptions about what it means to explain behaviours and personal and social activities p.

Reflective practiceCentral to this idea and to its complexities is the notion of 'reflective practice', the process of considering continually and critically one's own practice and its improvement. Deweyp. The first was 'suggestion' where, if only one solution to a problematic situation is apparent, it is therefore probably the one which is adopted, reflection paper in research. If not, the second phase, 'intellectualization', comes into playthe problem-solver transfers the 'emotional quality' of the situation and begins to note intellectually 'the conditions that constitute the trouble and cause the stoppage of action' p.

Further phases were labelled: the 'guiding idea' or 'hypothesis' where the reflective thinker formulates an idea of what to do; then 'reasoning', where she or he considers whether it is reasonable; and concluding with 'testing the hypothesis by action', where experimental corroboration or verification of the conjectural ideas is sought.

It is some time since these ideas were advanced but, because educationists have continued to probe notions of reflective practice, it is useful to return to them.

Although even Deweyp. Even where our 'problem' as a teacher or beginning teacher may be simply:'How can I make it better next time? For today's teachers, the concept of reflection is incorporated in one particular competency Reflection paper in research for gaining Qualified Teacher Status QTS : 'Reflect on and improve their practice, and reflection paper in research responsibility for identifying and meeting their developing professional needs' TDAQ Standard 7a.

Standard Q9 is also relevant as it requires a beginning teacher to 'act upon advice and feedback'. Such mentoring and coaching is intended to strengthen a teacher's capacity for self-reflectionimproved teaching can then come from self-considered rather than from imposed change, reflection paper in research. The professional responsibility for self-improvement continues within the expected standards for all classroom teachers at induction and beyondknown as the C Standards TDA Standard C7 is similar to Q7a; and C9 is the equivalent of Q9.

Teachers as researchersIt is a small step from Dewey's use of the word 'hypothesis' to recognition of a form of research being undertaken by a reflective practitioner, reflection paper in research.

Taber has suggested that the teacher is, in a sense, an educational researcher because she or he makes decisions about how to teach in terms of 'research-based knowledge' pp. Professionals are therefore able to 'weigh the evidence' from such sources and match it with their 'conceptual framework' for thinking about teaching and learning Taber,p.

Such evidence-based practice puts teachers firmly 'in the driving seat'what Taber considered the autonomy of the professional role. As a model for school-based development, action research could be instrumental in this process. As Holly and Whitehead [Action research] can be undertaken by the individual teacher, a group of teachers working cooperatively within one school, or a teacher or teachers working alongside a researcher or researchers in a sustained relationship, possibly with interested parties like advisers, university departments and sponsors on the periphery p.

If this is part of the teacher's role, it is probably essential to begin to grasp some of these complexities as early as possible in a teaching career. Some teacher-education courses recognise this reflection paper in research incorporating study of research methodology in their curriculum, followed by completion of an investigative project of some kind. The students can therefore learn about basic research concepts, not only to inform their own work, but also so they can interpret and evaluate the investigative work of others.

Anyone reading a research paper will be better placed to understand reported outcomes if they appreciate a researcher's approach, their choice of methods, and any safeguards put in place to strengthen the validity and reliability of evidence collection.

This is the kind of approach followed in the BEd course at the University of Wolverhampton, reflection paper in research.

Furthermore, moves towards establishing teaching as a Masters-level profession, where reflective and evaluative practice is a key element, highlights the wider usefulness of teachers gaining skills in research and being able to 'evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses' QAA,p. Beyond teaching there are possibilities for more concentrated study in this area. Within this University, in collaboration with a large group of local authorities in the Midlands, there is provision for those graduating with a BEd qualification to work within their early years of teaching for Masters-level credits based on reflective practice.

Further study is possible through the University's Centre for Developmental and Applied Research in Education CeDARE see the end of this publication. This basis for professional development is also apparent in initiatives of the Teacher Learning Academy, established recently by the General Teaching Council for England, where classroom-based investigation and even action research feature strongly.

Reflections on ResearchSix reflective accounts of final-year undergraduate research projects are presented within this collection, reflection paper in research.

The topics which the authors chose for their project were, and still are, of topical interest, reflection paper in research. Laura Patton's investigation around the teaching of modern foreign languages now encompassed by the in-coming Primary Languages provision will attract the attention of all teachers working towards meeting the Government's requirement for all schools to include this in their Key Stage 2 curriculum by ; likewise Stacey Siviter's consideration of special educational needs will interest those concerned with issues of inclusion.

Writing has proved a problematic area of the primary school curriculum, so James Staffiere's investigation into children's motivation to write, and Emma White's examination of a specific intervention to improve handwriting, are therefore of particular current relevance.

Paul Crosthwaite's investigation reflects continuing interest in how the use of ICT can contribute to children's learning. With outdoor learning a prime curricular concern, and particularly important to early years provision, Sara Hawker's topic is of direct use in the expanding curricular concerns of all teachers, reflection paper in research. All the projects received good grades, and readers will be able to identify aspects of strength particular to each one.

All the student authors also demonstrated competence towards Standard Q7a, noted above, and also perhaps to Standard Q8a which for qualified teachers translates as C8 : 'Having a creative and constructively critical approach towards innovation, being prepared to adapt their practice where benefits and improvements are identified' TDA On the evidence of their projects and of their reflections on those investigations, the concepts of reflection and research will serve them well in their chosen profession and help to ensure their continuing professional development.

For further information about training to be a teacher at the University of Wolverhampton, visit www. Sara HawkerI graduated recently, gaining Qualified Teacher Status, and am currently seeking a post as a reflection paper in research in an early years or primary-school setting.

With use of the outdoor environment an important part of provision in both phases of education, the experience of undertaking this project will be a key part of the evidence and ideas I will bring to my job applications, interviews and teaching. My projectMy reflection paper in research research investigated how the outdoor environment was used by practitioners to stimulate the development of children's learning and skills in reflection paper in research Reception class.

This study was undertaken in a Reception class of a single-form entry, suburban primary school, with pupils on the roll. The school had an above-average number of pupils entitled to free school meals and above-average numbers of pupils with special learning needs. I used observations, interviews and documentary analysis to investigate this topic. The findings highlighted adult-led and child-initiated reflection paper in research in the outdoor environment which seemed to facilitate access to all six areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS curriculum, and which provided important opportunities for the development of social skills as part of learning.

Recommendations from these findings were made. LiteratureMy reading of the literature highlighted the importance reflection paper in research outdoor play and its potential benefits for learning and helped me to focus on several key themes.

ResourcesPlay in the outdoor environment is an important aspect of early years provision, supporting the development and well-being of young children. Ofsted found that best practices stimulated learning, increased depth of understanding and enhanced personal, social and emotional development, contributing to the 'Every Child Matters' DCSF outcomes for all children.

This was particularly important for children from deprived backgrounds. However, the quality of outdoor provision varied greatly between settings, both in the Ofsted review and in a large study of teaching and learning in the Reception year Adams et al The facilities varied from a 'bare concrete area' to excellent provision with resources that supported development. Best practice, according to Ofsted CurriculumThe 'Manifesto for Learning Outside the Classroom' DfES suggested that learning in environments other than the classroom provided the 'most memorable learning experiences,[which] help us to make sense of the world about us by making links between feelings and learning' p.

Play in the outdoor environment can relate to all six areas of learning and development promoted by the early years curriculum, developing a positive attitude towards new opportunities and with time to concentrate on activities DCSF a.

My research study therefore investigated links between the observed play activities in the outdoor environment of this school and the EYFS curriculum. Bruce advised that children need to become deeply engrossed in what they reflection paper in research playing with and to have time to complete their activities. Their understanding is extended by playing, experimenting, reflection paper in research, questioning and reflecting.

Sylva et alin a five-year longitudinal study of pre-school education, reported that in effective settings there was an equal balance between child-initiated and adult-led activities and children made more progress if 'sustained shared thinking' p.

Sustained shared thinking is where an adult extends learning by working alongside the child, engaging in joint thinking with him or her. Siraj-Blatchford et al noted that the two types of activities adult or childled emphasised different aspects of the curriculum. My research reviewed the different aspects of the curriculum covered by the child-initiated and adult-led activities observed. Adult and child-led activity Social interactionsThe environment in which a child plays should develop their emotional, social, physical, cognitive and communication skills which inter-relate during the learning and development process Siraj-Blatchford, The outdoor environment can provide a 'social space' to help develop these skills Clark and allow the skills of 'taking turns and sharing fairly' QCAp.

Children need to learn how to resolve conflict. Siraj-Blatchford et alundertaking a multi-centre study of effective pedagogy in early years education, reported that the most effective settings had behaviour policies that allowed children to be assertive but also encouraged the talking through of reflection paper in research. My further research therefore evaluated what facilitated social interactions in the outdoor environment by examining the school behaviour policy.

I also considered teacher expectations relating to behaviour observed in the learning environment.

How to Write a Reflection Paper - Step by Step Guide

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(PDF) Reflections on Research | Mike Lambert -

reflection paper in research

There is wide agreement in the literature that " reflection " is a critical component of any good research, but certainly in the methodology of action research (AR). Despite consensus regarding its A good reflection paper shows your thought process and analysis about an event you witnessed, a book you have read, a motion picture you have viewed, or even, about a person you have observed. A good reflection paper also shows your understanding of piece of work together with changes in any of your ideas with possible implementation in future 11/5/ · Research Paper Reflection. November 5, sae Lesson 9 research paper was the first research paper I have ever done, and the first paper I had to write in several years. I was anxious when I saw this assignment on the syllabus, as writing has never been a strong suit of mine

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