Introduction. Dr. Cheryl Lynn Robley is a 66 year old Caucasian female who currently lives in a retirement community in the Mississippi coastal town of Gulfport. She moved there from Tennessee to be near her son and two grand-daughters after being widowed a little over four years ago Life History Evaluating A Senior Interview Essay Length: 2 pages Sources: 1 Subject: Aging Type: Essay Paper: # Related Topics: Interview, Women, Family, Claims Download this Essay in word format .docx) Even if you do a photo essay, you should still write an accompanying narrative that connects your work to the text (both Brown and Angrosino!). *Life history interviews MUST include an indexed analysis of the interview, as described in the project description and MUST include an informed consent document, as described in the project description
Biography/life-history/interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words
Luckily, I was given an assignment that appeared to be perfectly suitable to ask all the right questions-A Life Review. I had seen Ms. Walker several times in my childhood. We attended the same church, I met some of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, life history interview essay, but I knew little about her life journey.
One day I asked my grandmother to mention to her that I wanted to interview her for an assignment. With the relief of not being let down, my grandmother gave me her contact number the next day.
A few days later, Life history interview essay called her to make sure that she was still interested. With the right reply, I scheduled a day when we could meet and have breakfast. That day came on August 10, at a restaurant called International House of Pancakes IHOP.
She entered the restaurant door free of prosthetic devices- another sign of good health. Family Ms. Mary Walker was born on September 25, in Savannah, Georgia to Joseph and Emma Lou Simmons. She is the youngest and only girl of four children, life history interview essay. Shortly after her parents divorced inher father moved to New York and her mother became ill.
A year later, her mother passed at the age of At the age of 10, her grandmother passed away from the battle of tuberculosis. Due to her grandmother passing, life history interview essay, she and her brothers were sent to live with her aunt in Tampa, Florida. She describes herself as a good child except for a few times when at some occasions of bad behavior she was punished by the whip of the belt.
Being the only girl, she learned how to cook and do laundry at an early age. Traditionally, girls were made to perform household duties life history interview essay prepare them for the role of wife and mother.
Although literature was rarely provided, she fell in love with reading when her uncle brought home comic books. Academically, Ms. Walker excelled in school. In fact, she was scheduled to become co-valedictorian during her senior year. Sometime during her junior year, she became romantically involved with Richard Walker Jr.
Shortly after high school inthey married. Intowards the end of her junior year in high school she became pregnant with her life history interview essay son Jewell. After the birth of her son, life history interview essay, she gave custody to life history interview essay older brother so that she could return to high school to graduate with honors.
A year after graduating, she gave birth to another son Rodney. Together the couple had 10 children 6 boys and 4 girls. To support her family she took jobs working as a house cleaner and cleaning businesses. After 21 years of marriage, she divorced her husband as result of an abusive relationship. Following the divorce, she attended junior college through a state grant. She began teaching middle school social studies in After 21 years as an educator, she retired from teaching in Since retirement, she has been enjoying life and found happiness in working with youth activities in her church.
As grandmother, she enjoys the position of the matriarch. She has estimated forty grandchildren and about twenty great-grandchildren. Although she has not met all of grandchildren, she is hoping that sometime during the remainder of her life she will have the opportunity to build relationships life history interview essay all of them. Walker has lived through several historical events. She recalls the World War II as an event that affected her early childhood.
Her parents received rations of food and clothing from the federal government, which limited their material possessions. She stated this was the time she first realized that she was poor.
Like other African Americans, the Jim Crow laws affected almost every aspect social of life during pre -civil rights movements. She can remember instances of racism where she was served food through the back door, using segregated public bathrooms, and reading old school books that came from white schools.
She noted that America has come a long way from the days of Jim Crow. Global Assessment The support of the family is the most positive aspect of family life.
The rise of single parent homes has produced a negative change in family life stating that single mothers are too often bearing the burden of raising children alone. With comparison to her childhood, children today are more exposed to material things, life history interview essay, which she links to more stress and crimes among youth.
Although she lived during a period when there were oppressive attitudes towards African Americans, she stated within her community there was more unity, life history interview essay. In recent times, increased material wealth has created divisiveness between all people by class. One of the most pressing issues that she sees as needing political change today is the interpretation of the second amendment the right to bear arms. Too many crimes involving guns among younger populations have escalated.
She stated that the original purpose of the amendment was for states to have the right to bear arms against the threat of the federal government. The need for gun control should lead by the federal government through legislation.
Critical Analysis Resilience and EmpowermentEmpowerment theories are based on the idea that society consists of stratified groups processing different and unequal levels of power and control over resources that restrict people from achieving their aspirations Ritzer, life history interview essay To say that negative experiences can bring within opportunities to an individual, family, or community, does not mean that we do not acknowledge their scars and pain.
The Strengths Perspective acknowledges that often people who are facing hardship are resilient and creative and we should discover and learn from their strategies to overcome adversity. People learn from the challenges they endure as well as from their accomplishments.
Resiliency seems to spring from the interaction between those internal and environmental resources and the risk factors that the person is facing. When going through difficulty, people life history interview essay become aware of some talents, assets, or resources. In other cases, people develop new strengths and resources in order to meet their challenges.
Some examples are creativity, spirituality, humor, caring, and the like. Knowledge comes from different sources, including education, culture, and actual experience.
While learning about our world, we develop skills and abilities. For instance, a client might know much more life history interview essay the housing system than we can ever hope to learn. However, too often this knowledge is conquered.
We will identify it only if we observe and ask. Frequently, you will find that people have surprising talents, such as singing, writing, painting, telling stories, and so on. Many times people do life history interview essay even mention those talents because they do not seem relevant to what we are discussing, life history interview essay.
If we do not ask, we remiss the opportunity of mobilizing these strengths. These strengths are sources of stability, guidance, a sense of belonging, and a place in the world. Narratives, myths, and cultural stories can be a source of identity, meaning, life history interview essay, and inspiration through adversity.
Surviving an abusive marriage taught her coping skills. She realized her strengths at a later age and decided to focus on the things that brought her the most joy.
Her advice to young adults is waiting for the right partner is worth the wait. Her experience has taught her that when raising children a two parents home is the most suitable. The support of the extended family can take away some of these stress on the parents, life history interview essay.
For some, the experience may lead to personal growth, even though it is a difficult and trying time. There is no right way of coping with death. The way a person grieves depends on the personality of that person and the relationship with the person who has died.
This emphasizes that coping behaviors go beyond routine, adaptive behaviors. Walker dealt with coping through the death of her mother and the death of her grandmother. Grief has seven stages. In this stage, one will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. One may deny the reality of the loss at some level, in order to avoid the pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once.
This may last for weeks. In this stage, As the shock wears off, it is replaced with the suffering of unbelievable pain. Although excruciating and almost unbearable, it is important that you experience the pain fully, and not life history interview essay it, avoid it or escape from it with alcohol or drugs.
One may have guilty feelings or remorse over things they did or did not do with their loved one. Life feels chaotic and scary during this phase. In this stage, frustration gives way to anger, and you may lash out and lay unwarranted blame for the death on someone else. Please try to control this, as permanent damage to your relationships may result. This is a time for the release of bottled up emotion. This is the stage where everyone thinks life history interview essay should be getting on with your life; a long period of sad reflection will likely overtake you.
Encouragement from others is not helpful to you during this stage of grieving. During this time, you finally realize the true magnitude of your loss, and it depresses you. You may isolate yourself on purpose, reflect on things you did with your lost one, and focus on memories of the past.
How to Interview “Almost” Anyone - Mike Dronkers - TEDxHumboldtBay
, time: 11:23Important Life History Interview Essay - Words | Cram

3/21/ · The life history interview – a common means of documenting an individual’s account of their life – is one of several types of interviews used by scholars and practitioners from a range of disciplinary backgrounds (Yow ) Introduction. Dr. Cheryl Lynn Robley is a 66 year old Caucasian female who currently lives in a retirement community in the Mississippi coastal town of Gulfport. She moved there from Tennessee to be near her son and two grand-daughters after being widowed a little over four years ago LIFE HISTORY INTERVIEW 2 SOWK Assignment #3: Life History Interview On July 29, , Mr. Foster was born in Long County, Georgia. He was the second child, but the first boy. Throughout the following years, seven more children would follow. He was a healthy baby, born at term in their small country home like the sister that came before him. He was born weighing around seven pounds and to
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