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Leadership college essay sample

Leadership college essay sample

leadership college essay sample

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Get homework Help now! Leadership Development Plan Leadership Values andVision While there are a number of values whose possession varies among individuals and may be dependent on the situations or the geographical predispositions of the individual in question. In my opinion, leadership college essay sample, the values I consider important are integrity, leadership college essay sample, adaptability, interpersonal skills, compassion, creativity, family and accountability.

Personal integrity is an important tool that resonates in the entire sphere of human interaction and endeavor.

Possessing this value allows me to express educational and academic competence, which translates to personal growth and development.

This realization of personal growth and development is highly dependent on the truthful assessment of personal accomplishments and acceptance of weak points for improvement requires the expression of integrity.

Linked closely to integrity is honesty. These two values share similarities in the characters they confer, leadership college essay sample they ensure the development of SMART objectives, and a commitment to their realization. While the ability to be open and truthful is important, the interaction with diverse personalities requires the understanding and respecting of the ideas as well as the characters of other individuals.

Interpersonal skills are an important core value to me due to their impartation of this quality. Having the ability to effectively interact with others without infringing on their ideologies or imposing my own concepts is important for the maintenance of relationships, and requires the concept of being accommodative, leadership college essay sample, which is a subset of interpersonal skills.

Besides promoting the benefits of others from my capabilities, leadership college essay sample, interpersonal personal skills allow me to benefit from individuals I identify as being endowed with capabilities I consider myself lacking in. This dual purpose of this value makes it of primary importance as no single individual can completely express all attributes perfectly, hence the requirement for collaboration and cooperation. However, interacting with others may not always involve their entry into my comfort zone or geographical location.

Being n avid traveler and interested in the values and norms of other cultures, experiencing new environments is an important aspect of my being and development. This character requires the ability to adapt to different environments and locations.

Adaptability confers this uniquely important trait that ensures smooth transition from one leadership college essay sample to another. Besides geographical and cultural shifts, adaptability allows smooth transitions between situations and changing circumstances, in the working environment, at the learning institution as well in the domestic scene. This indispensable trait, therefore, allows for the maintenance of consistency and efficiency regardless of the location or situation at hand.

In combination with interpersonal skills, adaptability allows one to develop multicultural competencies whose applications in learning, leadership and the conveyance of information are of great magnitude. While on the values that promote cooperation and collaboration, compassion and family are values whose function converges with the others mentioned above. Compassion refers to the ability to have intangible desire for the benefit of others and their alleviation from undesirable situations, resulting in a tangible effort for their betterment.

This desire is to some extent an intrinsic human value, but can be influenced by the prevalent notions and systems in the society or perpetrated by the media. While compassion involves helping others, it is vaguely comparable to public displays of charity as its activities often require the preservation of the pride and humanity of those in need.

Therefore, while its applicability in leadership is undeniable, its application in politics is without doubt limited.

However, it is my opinion that all human beings desire to be cared for and require this unconditional care at certain periods of life. Its provision leadership college essay sample others, though not self-seeking, ensured the receipt of the same from others in times of need. With respect to personal values, family is to me one of the most important of values, leadership college essay sample.

While for many people family involves the relationships denoted by blood and marital bonds, my opinion of family is slightly broader. The concept of family involves a cohesive unit whose personal goals and desires are set aside for the benefit of the whole. This aspect is replicated essentially in sports teams, study groups, bible study families and primarily in the domestic families.

Therefore, my commitment to family involves not only my immediate relatives, but all individuals with the desire to set leadership college essay sample personal ambitions for the benefit of any group I am involved in.

This definition allows me to maintain outstanding commitment and resilience toward those important to me regardless of situation or circumstance. While my definition of family is inclusive of other groups, the domestic family unit is an important source of nurturing and nourishment.

Its influence on the development of personality is essential and should, although not always, steer the recipient in the correct direction. Another of my six core values is creativity. While leadership college essay sample idea may present the notion of personal benefit at all costs, its actual requirement requires that the benefit obtained from a creative endeavor should ensure sustainability, as well as conservation of non-renewable resource.

One intangible yet non-renewable resource in my opinion is the human relationships we enjoy. Bordering in comparison to adaptability in its application, to creativity presents a means by which seemingly insurmountable odds can be overcome, while adaptability seeks to thrive regardless of their occurrence.

In addition, creativity is of great significance when it comes to the aspect of addressing assignments as well as achieving personal and corporate objectives. Besides the achievement of goals and objectives creativity ensures an enjoyable lifestyle with diverse recreational ideas and situations. Finally, in the list of core values, I have accountability as well. Despite coming last in the chronology, leadership college essay sample, adaptability is a great asset and value. In addition, the chronology of the list presented does not infer the magnitude of importance, as these values are equally important to me, leadership college essay sample.

Accountability is a character that stipulates responsibility to others as well as to self for actions, speech, responsibilities, roles and any other responsibilities attached to position or status in society.

Leadership college essay sample ensures the reliability of its possessor, as well as their efficiency and productivity. In my situation, understanding the magnitude of assignments or responsibilities and the fact that I am held accountable for the outcome provides motivation to excel and impart an improvement in others. In addition to this, accountability to self ensures continued growth and development, whose result is consistent increase in creative and influential acumen.

The values I hold dear to me are because of interactive influences from family and friends, as well as the development of a God-fearing leadership college essay sample that requires and produces these values, and interaction with other individuals from varied backgrounds. In ten years, I view myself at the head of a family, a research organization and a non-profit aimed at providing access to affordable and effective education. While the idea of family may seem out of place, parents are not only role models to their toddlers, but play the role of leaders in providing direction, discipline and guidance to them, leadership college essay sample.

Therefore, the primary activities I will be participating in are the roles of educating, guiding and counseling, disciplining and motivating my immediate family to succeed. Leadership college essay sample, I will be applying these same activities in the workplace, albeit in a varied degrees and utilizing different methods to ensure optimal productivity and cooperation among my juniors.

In addition to this, I will be applying my capacity as a leader to promote selfless contributions towards those in need through charitable leadership college essay sample fostering proper education dissemination. Through these activities, I will ensure the upbringing of adequately equipped, compassionate, hardworking children, the development of teamwork, consistency and accountability in the work place, as well as the provision of education and reduction of illiteracy. While meeting these objectives, I will demonstrate leadership using the most effective system I know, that is leadership by example.

By machining my personality and intended objectives clear, I will ensure the impartation of character with improvements where necessary to those under my command.

As a leader, my characteristics will reflect my core values. I will be an accountable, reliable, compassionate, leadership college essay sample, and adaptable leader with exquisite interpersonal skills, multicultural values adequate family values.

In my leadership visions, each of my seven core values is either directly or indirectly inferred, leadership college essay sample. My leadership vision requires family values at its helm, as my primary objective will require the sacrificing of personal agendas for corporate success. In addition, I plan to impart my character to the junior staff that I will be in charge of, as leadership college essay sample as to my domestic family. This endeavor requires the maintenance of high integrity and avoiding double standards.

However, becoming a parent as well as n organizational leader requires transition capability as well as adaptability. This requirement is because different personalities, organizations as well as time periods view leadership differently.

Hence, I will require inculcating into my leadership abilities new ideologies to effectively retain leadership relevance. Interpersonal skills into play in my leadership vision with its application squarely required in addressing my personnel in such a way that would motivate teamwork and productivity.

This exercise of motivation and team building will also require creativity in its pursuit, as breaking the daily workplace routine will provide rejuvenation for the workforce. In addition to interacting with the junior staff, developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships with colleagues will require the expression of interpersonal skills, integrity as well as accountability.

Besides the work environment, interpersonal skills will be required in the garnering of awareness toward my initiative for accessible education, as well as the acquisition of funds for the project. This project will be a stepping stone for the many others I hope t institute with the desire of improving the lives of others by giving back to society. In the management of the funds and the distribution of the acquired resources, accountability to the donors will be a major component for my leadership vision.

While the accountability will be in gratitude to their efforts, its result will be an increased support as well as awareness. In addition to accountability, high integrity will also be a requirement, leadership college essay sample. This desire to impart positively on the society is an expression of my compassion, as I believe eradication of illiteracy will eventually cause a reduction on the prevalence of poverty.

Among the most important of my leadership competencies is the propensity for properly carrying out group based objectives by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each of the members on the team and allocating responsibilities according to these. Recently while carrying out a survey that involved orally administered questionnaires, I managed to delegate the specific quadrants of study successfully among sub groups consisting of pairs of individuals.

For each pair, I ensured the group had an avid speaker to administer the questionnaire, and a keen listener to ensure that every aspect of the responses given was recorded accurately. Being a good orator, I paired myself to an avid listener as I had done with the rest of the team. To implement team work, team building capacity is required.

This is another of the leadership competencies I consider one of my strengths as a leader. While team work infers the capability to collaborate with others and achieve an objective, team building refers to the capacity to foster the ideology of collaboration, trust, cooperation, team pride and the motivation for success in team activities.

At the onset of the exercise I mentioned above, I took some time to subtly point out the strengths of each member that would positively affect the exercise, and presented the positive outcome their efforts had borne at the end. This led to a desire by the group to remain intact through the remaining group activities. In the context of leadership, conveying information is an integral aspect required to ensure the success of all team activities as well as the development of motivation for the members of the team.

Adequacy in oral and written communication therefore, becomes insensible assets required by all leadership college essay sample. As mentioned before, I consider myself and avid speaker, hence capable of conveying information in a manner understandable by and applicable to the audience in question, leadership college essay sample. Besides the ability to convey oral information, I posses the ability to present information in the written form as well.

Using the survey exercise mentioned above as an example, my oral communication skills were brought to the test during the delivery of instructions to my team members as well as during the administration of the questionnaire. In addition to this, the administration of the questionnaire required the interviewing of individuals of varying ages on their inclination to certain products. Hence, for the information conveyed to be understood and responded to accurately, the interviewer in this case it was I had to communicate as well as relate to the different age groups.

In the case of written communication, I had to ensure the questionnaires to be administered were not in any way vague so as to ensure ease of administration as well as responding. Secondly, in the provision of directions as to how to administer the questionnaire and to which quadrant the administration pair was allocated written communication was utilized without any loss in direction or responsibility.

In addition to the above mentioned competencies I regard myself as a problem solver. Although problem solving is in some sense similar to conflict resolution, while conflict resolution deals with individuals and the restitution of variance to achieve an amicable end, problem solving refers to the application of creativity in situations as opposed to individuals. In light of these two competencies, my strength is problem solving.

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Sample Essay on Leadership Development Plan - Essay Homework Writing Help

leadership college essay sample

College Essay Sample Saturday, July 20, Leadership Leadership A touchablely good loss leader is made not born. If you bilk the desire and ambition, YOU, yes you, grass constrain a great good leader. Good leaders start through a unceasing bring of self-study, education, training, and experience Our essay outline template will help solve your writing issues and help you gain a big score in the field of leadership as it will present you with sample paragraphs on how to create an essay for different subjects like educational leadership, reflective leadership, and other forms of leadership essays that can help make an impact to an individual and even to a group 5/8/ · If you've been feeling stuck, this Sample College Leadership Essay template can help you find inspiration and motivation. This Sample College Leadership Essay covers the most important topics that you are looking for and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional manner with those involved

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