3/5/ · Qualitative findings and analysis dissertation example In relation to the qualitative investigation, the research findings might not be directly relevant to the research blogger.comore, you need to organize your results section in the dissertation section according to the themes 12/15/ · Example Of Results Section Of A Research Paper Unimportant Bully Ga Write My Essay Physician Assistant History Society Scientific Lab Report Results Example 1 Png Chemistry Biology 11/13/ · Example Research Paper Results Section Writing A Results Section. 15 Apa Sample Research Paper Proposal Letter. Ban Hunting Essay Zoos. Nyu College Essay Videos. Essay Reference Page Example However One Item 2 3 Reference Format. Example Of Literature Review In A Research Paper Editable. O. Appendix Discussion Of Case Studies On Being Scientist Guide Example
How to Write a Results Section | Examples for Dissertation & Research
The result section of any original paper reporting investigative work is the part where the author details his or her findings. It should basically be straightforward and dry, containing no interpretation of the mentioned data, no detailed meaning of the found results or the methods by which they were obtained.
An in-depth view of those should be found in other sections of your work, like Discussion and Methodology. Organizing the information you have should be the first step toward writing a proper Results section. Knowing what parts of the collected data are important to the overall discussion and which are not so important is a crucial step you must take, as everything in the Results section should be directly linked to the main question at the base of your research, example of results section of research paper.
Taking the time to properly sort your data is also important because the most relevant pieces of information need to take priority in your Results section, so a first step would be properly organizing all available information. Due to the risk of overwhelming the reader with too many numbers and statistics, your dissertation rarely needs to include pure unedited data. Also, remember that this goes both ways, as it is your obligation to present both data supporting your views on the matter and data that contradicts your point.
Making your Results section easy to read is the most important part. There is a lot of information that example of results section of research paper to be crammed into a relatively small space, with the help of a few graphics and quotes. Adding subheadings that help center your information around certain general themes or ideas can help a reader browse quickly through the entire paper.
If surveys are a part of your research, for example, subheadings related to specific sample groups could be grouped together. Or if your main hypothesis is divided into different parts, your results sections could be organized in such a way that each result addresses a different part specifically.
Usually tables and figures dictate subheadings usage. Your results section should list its most relevant and significant findings first, leaving the less relevant ones closer to the end, no matter what the subheadings are. The main reason for it is that people reading the work will more often than not have a brief look at the paper, quickly browsing for the main parts instead of reading it in its entirety.
So having the most important results first is a way to make sure most readers will at least take away the most important points of your dissertation. Each part should start with describing the sample, along with its size and a clear reason for either missing or excluded pieces of information. Then, relevant descriptive statistics like range, example of results section of research paper, frequency, mean, median or others should be included, and after that, you should detail any performed statistical analyses such as tests, ANOVA, etc.
If you included a qualitative study, example of results section of research paper, it should be backed up with relevant information like quotes that will prove vital in the overall discussion. Tables are, essentially, example of results section of research paper, lists organized in rows and columns that outlay numerical values, and they are widely used to example of results section of research paper the reader process and understand certain derived pieces of data.
A table should be used if the author has more information than a simple text would be able to properly cover. So for example, if the data you need to submit example of results section of research paper fit in less than a space of three columns and three rows, it would be recommended that you present it as text.
Figures can mean any pictures, charts, maps, graphs or any kind of illustrations that you want to include in the Results section. Every figure should come with a brief description below it.
A photo, for example, should come with the reason why it is there, as well as its source. The most common figures in the Results section are, without a doubt, graphs, as they do a good job in showing connections between data.
Although the choice of using tables or figures is up to the author, a good general recommendation is not using example of results section of research paper when trying to prove a connection between certain groups of values.
If you are writing a paper dedicated to a specific treatment, tables would be used to discuss its cumulative effects, while figures would be used to show each treatment effect variation week by week. Also, avoid adding the same data more than once; this should help keep the Results section brief. Graphics formatting is also important. Rules for formatting tables and figures vary with each style guide; however, generally, tables have their name and number posted above them and any notes explaining them underneath.
The writing in the results section should be kept as simple as possible. If however, an unusual statistical method or model is used, its explanation should be included in the Methodology section. Although many students are tempted to add explanations or introductory notes to the section, a direct rendition of available data is usually the most recommended approach.
This is an example of a text that contains too many useless words and offers a subjective view of the presented data:. Keeping it short is vital. If tables and figures are the main components of the results section, repeating all that info in a text form is redundant. What you can do through text, though, is pinpointing the most important pieces of data from the tables and figures and using this text to emphasize their importance and relevance to the central idea.
Also, all tables and figures included should always be referred to in the text - at least once. A proper context is needed for all included figures, and although no direct interpretation of the data is included in the Results section, the reader must know exactly what he or she is looking at, why it is presented to them, and what it means for the central theme of the paper.
There is no need for a conclusion to the Results section, as you can go directly to the Discussion chapter after completing it. Next, do not forget that writing a Results section of your dissertation is still a very time-consuming task. Even though it may seem that most of the work has already been done, it would still be unwise to underestimate this section. The last and probably the most important tip would be to carefully go over your entire dissertation again - after you finish the results section.
Take a break up to a couple of days if the time allows it and come back to your work with a fresh eye. On this stage, it is vital to double check if all the data in your tables, graphs, and figures were properly referenced in the text. Also, you might want to take another critical look at your paper logic in general to make sure everything is clear and to the point.
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Writing Tip #3: Writing Qualitative Findings Paragraphs
, time: 15:00How to Write the Results Section of a Research Paper
10/15/ · For example, in your analysis, you may have noticed a significant correlation between two variables never described before. It is correct to explain this in the Results section. However, speculation about the reasons for this correlation should go in the Discussion section of your paper. In general, the Results section includes the following elements 12/15/ · Example Of Results Section Of A Research Paper Unimportant Bully Ga Write My Essay Physician Assistant History Society Scientific Lab Report Results Example 1 Png Chemistry Biology Example A is an example from a well written results section; it uses relevant material and focuses on the results and not the Figures. Example B is an example from a poorly written results section. It includes material which does not belong to the results section such as interpretation and discussion; it focuses on the Figures representing the results, rather than the results themselves and it does not introduce and refer to the Figures
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