Saturday, April 24, 2021

Driscoll model of reflection in nursing

Driscoll model of reflection in nursing

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

Driscoll Model Of Reflection In Nursing Reflection: Education and Reflective Practice Essay. It would involve using ‘The What? Model of Structured Reflection’ Reflecting Upon Practice Experiences And Relate From The Six Core Fundamental Values. In relation to the adult field of Self Awareness In this essay I will be using the Driscoll Model of Reflection, Driscoll Reflection in nursing is when we are consciously looking and thinking about our experience’s, actions, feelings and responses. We typically do this whilst asking ourselves about what we did, how we did it and what we learnt from it and that reflection should be used throughout all nurses’ careers The Driscoll model of reflection is a three stage model that is simple to use. As a student nurse you will often have to reflect on your nursing practice using a model of reflection to help you critically analyse your experiences

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As outlined, in the Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC,the practice of reflection will allow me to explore, through experience, area for development in providing the necessary quality of care Taylor, Reflection is a significant part of attaining knowledge and understanding, to reflect on experiences which driscoll model of reflection in nursing be positive or negative allowing driscoll model of reflection in nursing self criticism Bulman and Schutz, My 1st skill will explores how communication can be enhanced for clients with communication impairments which I raised in one of the multidisciplinary team meeting MDT.

Names have been driscoll model of reflection in nursing to maintain confidentiality NMC, I discover the level at which nurses and support worker communicate with service user are not up to standard simply because they have an impairment see Appendix 1.

This now lead me to carry out a research on this issues which I discover that it has been estimated that there are 2. difficulty with finding the right words or with reading sentences, reduced spelling ability and reduced ability to pronounce words clearly World Health Organization, driscoll model of reflection in nursing, DH, Communication is a two-way process, involving at least two people who alternate in sending and receiving messages Ferris-Taylor, When the message is received, it is interpreted and normally a response is given.

In some people there may be a delay in response time as result of communication impairment. I propose both verbal and non verbal communication is important when dealing with Mr Kee as it is important to ensure the message put across is clear. There is a need to devise a strategy to communicate that would promote empowerment, building on existing strengths so as not to reinforce a sense of helplessness and power imbalance. The MDT experience has emphasised the importance of interprofessional working together as it encourages holistic care to be delivered.

The learning gained from this experience will impact my future practice in various areas which include communication and empathy. As a qualified nurse my role would be to ensure decisions are made on behalf of the service user after much consultation with the service user as communication advocacy is universally considered a moral obligation in nursing practice as it is the crucial foundation of nursing McDonald, Effective advocacy can transform the lives of people with learning disabilities enabling them to express their wishes and make real choices.

In Mental health nursing, empowerment usually means the intent to ensure that conditions are such that the individual can act as a self advocate Webb, ].

This experience has highlighted the difficulties that may be encountered in communicating and gaining valid consent which I will be aware of in future practice. In order to battle any restriction for Mr Kee to access good health care and prevented anything against his wellbeing. This 2nd skill will define the concept of dignity and its important in relation to Mr Moses, an elderly patient, has difficulty hearing, frail, require assistant to walk, his trouser and shoes wet with urine and the smell of faeces.

Actions and support according to the Code of Professional Conduct Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC, as suggested to be used in rendering care to Mr Moses.

Also, the Nursing actions that will promote and maintain Mr Moses dignity during his care will be described. I was involved in the care for Mr Moses who has diagnosed with dementia. Dementia is a chronic lifelong condition that causes memory loss, communication problems, incontinence and neglect of personal hygiene Prime, p, Mr Moses neglect of his personal hygiene was profound due to his incontinence condition.

Relating dignity in the care Mr Moses, dignity will be define as care given to Mr Moses that will uphold, promote and not degrade his self respect despite his present driscoll model of reflection in nursing being wet with urine and smell of faecesfrail or his age SCIE, Mr Moses despite his present circumstance should feel value before, during and after his care Nursing Standard, The concept of dignity has to do with privacy, respect, autonomy, identity and self worth thereby making life worth living for them SCIE, However, each patient needs is unique, the level of these concept will varies on individual service user, such as the privacy that other service user need will be different from what Mr Moses require at the time of His care.

When dignity is not present during his care, Mr Moses will feel devalued, driscoll model of reflection in nursing control, comfort and feel embarrass and ashamed RCN, Things that emerged in my observation for Mr Moses to be provided with care in a dignified way involves, delivery Mr Moses personal care in a way that maintain his dignity, having support from team members and an up to date training in delivering care, and supportive ward environment NHS evidence, I did raise some issues with my mentor that was missing when attending to Mr Moses which includes: Respect, Privacy, Self-esteem self-worth, identity and a sense of oneself and Autonomy SCIE, Respect is a summary of courtesy, good communication and taking time SCIE.

It is the objective, unbiased consideration and regard for the right, values, beliefs and property of all people Wikipedia, Mr Moses being particularly vulnerable because he solely dependent on staff to provide his personal care because of his agefrail and needing assistant to walk Help the Aged, should be treated as an individual. He should not be discriminated. Emphasised should be on Procedures during care should be explained to Mr Moses and his care should be person centre rather than task-oriented Calnan et al, The dignity of Mr Len must be respected and protected as a person who is born free, equal in dignity and has basic human right Amnesty international, Health service will need to recognise the specific needs of older people in caring for them, demonstrating respect for Mr Len autonomy, privacy during Mr Len care and avoiding poor practice that will deify Mr Moses dignity, such as: allowing him to remain wet and soiled or scolding him Age Concern, The NMC code of conduct state that the care of Mr Moses should be the nurse first concern, respecting Mr Moses dignity and treating him as an individual.

Mr Moses will be approached in a dignified manner, he should be given choice to decide whether or where he want his care to be carried out, demonstrating appropriate communication, sensitivity and interpersonal skill during interaction. Dignity is defy when there is a negative interaction between staff and Mr Moses when freedom to make decision is taken from him BMJ, Mr Moses appearance is essential to his self respect; Mr Moses will require support in changing his wet cloth.

Mr Moses should not be neglected based on his appearance rather supported to maintain the standard he is used to SCIE, The NMCdriscoll model of reflection in nursing, also instruct nurse to promote and protect the interest and dignity of service users irrespective of gender, age, race, ability sexuality, economic status, lifestyle, culture and religion or political beliefs.

Mr Moses being an elderly man will not be problematic, because according to the code, care should be delivered, his culture preferencesuch as preferring a male staff to assist with his care. Treating Mr Moses fairly without discrimination is part of the Code, Mr Moses driscoll model of reflection in nursing not be discriminated against because he smells of faeces and trouser wet with urine Quot but should be respected while attending to his needs.

Privacy is closely related to respect SCIE, Mr Moses care should be deliver in a private area, ensuring Mr Moses receive care in a dignified way that does not humiliate him: Discussion about Mr Moses condition should be discussed with him where others are unable to hear and curtain or doors are closed during Mr Moses care Woolhead et al, Incontinence is not uncommon; it may be cause by various reasons.

It affects all age group Godfrey and Hogg, Incontinent is defined to be an involuntary or inappropriate passing of urine or faeces thereby having impact on social functions or hygiene of client DOH, There are various types of incontinent such as: stress incontinent this can occur when coughing, or during physical activitiesdriscoll model of reflection in nursing, urge incontinent overactive bladderreflex incontinent incontinent without warning and mixed incontinent both urge and stress incontinent Chris, Mr Moses may have be a victim of any of the above.

In conclusion my knowledge about the concept of dignity and its importance to health care and the benefit to service users increased. NMC has made dignity clearer to understand by including dignity among its codes.

This easy has also clarified that dignity has different meaning to various people. One week into my placement at the community I was told by my mentor that I will be carrying out an assessment for a new patient that was referred to our service. To prepare for this I started to read the assessment note of other patient and doing research on the best method to get information from the patient. Assessment is a continuous process which includes collecting information in a systematic way from a variety of sources.

Norman and Ryrie, The purpose of assessment include judging and understanding levels of need, planning programmes of care and observing progress over time, planning service provision and conducting research Gamble and Brennan, driscoll model of reflection in nursing, Making an accurate assessment of social functioning provides valuable information about the range of activities that a person can undertake on his or her own as well as those activities where a person requires support Godsell and Scarborough, I observed differences in perception of needs between disciplines.

This was beneficial to the group as it enabled us to achieve a holistic view of possible needs. Age Concern.

Help with continence, driscoll model of reflection in nursing. Amnesty international Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Amnesty International UK, London. Barker, P. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes, driscoll model of reflection in nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing Maintaining the dignity and autonomy of older people in the healthcare setting. Downloaded from bmj.

com on 12 April Calnan, M, Woolhead, G, Dieppe, P. Nursing Times, In foundations of nursing practice. fundamentals of holistic care p. Philadelphia: mosby elsevier. Department of Health Essence of Care: National patient-focused benchmarking for health care practitioners.

London: DH. Seminars in psychiatry of learning disabilities. London: The Royal College of Psychiatrists. Ferris-Taylor, R. In: Gates, B. Ed Learning Disabilities: Toward Inclusion. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

Gamble C and Brennan, G. In: Gamble, C and Brennan, G Eds Working with Serious Mental illness: Driscoll model of reflection in nursing manual for clinical practice, driscoll model of reflection in nursing.

London: Elsevier Limited. Godfrey H, Hogg A Links between social isolation and incontinence. Continence —UK. Godsell, M. and Scarborough, K. Nursing Standard 20 30 12 April : MacDonald, H.

Reflective Models: Johns (2006) and Driscoll (2007)

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driscoll model of reflection in nursing

Driscoll Model Of Reflection In Nursing Reflection: Education and Reflective Practice Essay. It would involve using ‘The What? Model of Structured Reflection’ Reflecting Upon Practice Experiences And Relate From The Six Core Fundamental Values. In relation to the adult field of Self Awareness The Driscoll model of reflection is a three stage model that is simple to use. As a student nurse you will often have to reflect on your nursing practice using a model of reflection to help you critically analyse your experiences Introduction. In this essay I will be using the Driscoll Model of Reflection, Driscoll Reflection in nursing is when we are consciously looking and thinking

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