Like any other problem, obesityhas its causesand effects. Some of the causesinclude, diet (unbalanced diet), environment, as well as genes and family history. On the other hand, the effectscan be categorized into three namely; physical, psychological and social effects Childhood obesity is now considered a disease and is diagnosed by doctors. Children become overweight for a variety of reasons. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these factors 12/13/ · In summary, obesity is a major cause of premature deaths in the United States and around the world. This health condition occurs when there is excess accumulation of body fat, caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Obesity is largely associated with several killer diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and diseases of the heart
Essay on Obesity: 8 Selected Essays on Obesity
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Tiffany Nali Period 3 Cause and effect of obesity essay 20, Cause and Effect Essay on Obesity Obesity is one of the main topics in America including cause and effect of obesity essay of the main reasons of death. Never have there have been so many teens and children not only overweight but obese. In some ways, it could be called the plague of the twenty- first century due to adolescents and teenagers indulging themselves in a plethora of food for every meal they have, therefore becoming overweight and morbidly obese.
In the eighteen hundreds there was not a fast food place to go to unlike these days, so children were not obese like they are today. The irresponsibility of the consumer is one of the main reasons for the increase of obesity and health related problems.
Some people make eating fast food a common meal when it should be a rare decision, cause and effect of obesity essay. The most commonly used modification, established categorizes obesity into three WHO, Like any other problem, obesity has its causes and effects. Some of the causes include, diet unbalanced dietenvironment, as well as genes and family history.
On the other hand, cause and effect of obesity essay, the effects can be categorized into three namely; physical, psychological and social effects. One of the major causes of obesity is lack of a balanced diet. A balanced diet is a meal, cause and effect of obesity essay, which should contain all the classes of food in their specified quantities. One of the foods that people consume that brings about an unbalanced diet is junk food.
Examples of junk foods include, burgers, fries, pizzas, and so on. These foods mostly contain unhealthy cheese in them, which make them high in cholesterol. Although cholesterol is needed in the body, it is needed in a moderate amount. Too much of it can be bad for our health. When there is cholesterol present in the body of an individual, it leads to obesity in most cases.
As a consequence, some of the physical effect attributed to obesity in this case Timms 1 Ashawnnae Timms Ms. Zinti English4 April, 20, Causes And Effects Of Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is not just an issue in the United States its wide-ranging. The amount of overweight and obese children in the U, cause and effect of obesity essay.
S has increased at a rapid speed over the pass years, and there is no chance of it slowing down unless matters are taken. A fast-food craze has swept the nation, consequentially leaving a trail of defective nutrition in its wake. Fast-food corporations seems to be uplifting children to consume regular amounts of unhealthy foods by giving away toys with a purchase of a kids meals.
Television, computers, cause and effect of obesity essay, cell phones, and video games are which considered to be technological necessities, have begun to take of the importance of exercise.
By these influences can lead up to childhood obesitywhich comes along with an overwhelming abundance of negative effects obesity puts children at a every high risk of numerous illnesses not only do children with poor eating habitats have unhealthy weight, but yet they have a high risk of having weak lungs, poor blood quality, and variety of other sicknesses.
Prevention can be accomplished by following a balanced diet and participating in physical activities. There are a great deal of causes Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States.
As a result, children are at increased risk for myriad preventable acute and chronic medical problems—many of which are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In cause and effect of obesity essay, childhood obesity has serious psychosocial consequences, such as low self-esteem, lower quality of life, and depression.
The multifaceted causes and solutions to this pervasive health issue are discussed in the present review, as are pertinent health policy issues. Osteopathic physicians and other healthcare providers can play an important role in patient and family education, direct care, and advocacy. Previous SectionNext Section Many social and environmental factors have negatively influenced the physical activity and eating behaviors of US children and adolescents.
Financial and time pressures force many families to minimize food costs and meal preparation time, resulting in increased consumption of prepackaged convenience foods that are high in calories and fat.
Since the s, the rate of obesity more than doubled among US children aged 2 to 5 years,1,4 and The media portrays obesity as only a choice and the effects only affect that person. Which in reality, cause and effect of obesity essay effects more than just that person. The majority of the causes and effects and can be passed down to their children. Effects such as current and future psychological issues, physical health issues, and economical expenses.
Obesity creates many psychological problems including mental instability. I know people who are extremely overweight and they are emotional, and most often insecure. This impacts and leads to both major and minor health issues, also both physically and psychologically.
Mental instability is among the most significant problems that occur, in obesity. Some of the first signs of mental instability in obesity are suicidal tendencies and thoughts. This issue has a problem within its self. Teenagers are already prone to suicidal thoughts and tendencies, so adding obesity to that will amplify cause and effect of obesity essay tendencies. In order for these problems to be recognized in America, we need to pay attention to the signs.
Social media these days allow teens and obese people to publicly cry out for help, though much of At the same time, BMI was classified into four conditions. Firstly, when the BMI less than Secondly, Thirdly, overweight is Finally, exceeding Other papers categorize more detailed in the part of obese, which sections three parts, cause and effect of obesity essay as, Grade I obesity Obesity has been defined as an epidemic by the International Task Force on Obesity and World Health Organization in the 21st century Jiménez, For example, 65 per cent adults and 15 per cent children are overweight in America, and this data has not a decreasing trend Jiménez, In recent years, increasing obesity problems have emerged in developed countries and even in some city centers in developing countries Jiménez, Thus, it is necessary to analyse the causes and effects of obesity.
In the United States, one of the most obesity cause and effect of obesity essay nations, approximately 17 per cent of adolescents and There are various factors causing obesityincluding direct causes and indirect causes. The first and second section of this essay will focus on the direct causes of obesity which include excess energy intake and insufficient energy consumption.
In addition, there are several indirect causessuch as inheritance, the pressure of daily life and depression. In the third section, the effects of obesity in terms of physicality and mentality will be discussed in two groups, children and adults. Furthermore, the effects of obesity to the economics of the United States will be discussed in the fourth section.
Direct causes There are two direct causes which lead to This has caused many problems; among the most concerning is a preventable health problem. Professionals have even considered it an epidemic, which raises even more concern about the future of our youth. It also opens our eyes to see that the problem is much bigger than we thought it to be. The major causes for obesity are the rise in fast food consumption, the popularity of soft drinks, and the lack of physical activity in young children.
The first cause for childhood obesity is the rise in fast food consumption. The consumption of fast food is rapidly growing around the whole world for many reasons. People are now busier than ever with their jobs and other activities. Fast food restaurants have made it very easy to get a delicious warm meal in less than five minutes. People can usually get a whole meal for a little bit more than five dollars.
Many children get home from school and both parents are working. They eat some snacks while they wait for their parents to come home. For the parents, however, it is faster and cheaper to pick up some carryout than to prepare a homemade meal. This seems like a good thing, but the problem is Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Cause and Effect of Obesity Cause and Effect of Obesity Essay Topics: ObesityNutritionBody mass index Pages: 4 words Published: March 30, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.
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3/19/ · Like any other problem, obesity has its causes and effects. Some of the causes include, diet (unbalanced diet), environment, as well as genes and family history. On the other hand, the effects can be categorized into three namely; physical, psychological and social effects. One of the major causes of obesity is lack of a balanced diet In most cases, obesity is caused through a combination of genetic susceptibility, a lack of or inadequate physical activity, excessive intake of food. Some cases of obesity are primarily caused by mental disorder, medications, endocrine disorders or genes 12/13/ · In summary, obesity is a major cause of premature deaths in the United States and around the world. This health condition occurs when there is excess accumulation of body fat, caused by unhealthy lifestyles. Obesity is largely associated with several killer diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and diseases of the heart
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