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Cause and effect of animal extinction essay

Cause and effect of animal extinction essay

cause and effect of animal extinction essay

8 August Animal extinction is happening nowadays due to the multiple factors of environmental degradation. The primary cause of environmental degradation is human disturbance. Extinctions caused by human are generally considered to be are recent phenomena. When humans convert wild areas for agriculture, forestry, urban development, or water 11/17/ · The factors that lead to animal extinction are irresponsible human’s hands that destroyed animal’s habitat by deforestation, illegal wildlife trades and climate change. Deforestation is the main causes that lead animal species loss their habitat and become extinct Biodiversity and chain reactions Since nature is a big system in which species depend upon each other and function as a whole, the extinction of a small number of animals or plants can cause chain reactions to the whole ecosystem and thus have a big effect on the environment

The Leading Causes Of Animal Extinction Biology Essay

Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the species All the animals dwelling in our planet are being affected by these sudden changes, and the outcomes are extreme. As a result of this environmental issue, some species have become extinct or endangered, while new and unknown creatures have been discovered.

In addition, the animal population is experiencing Animal Testing Killing animals is a sin because they are also living things. They breathe, eat and walk lie we humans. We should not do any tests or experiments on animals because they become extinct, we have no rights to harm them, and they are tortured. The first reason why The increased in global average temperature is due to emission evidence that GHG is continuing to build-up as a result of human activities has become conclusive i.

these changes have come about as a combined effect of increases in emissions, such as fossil fuel burning, and decrease in carbon sinks, such as reduced forest cover. Top 10 Places Already Affected faster than is expected. Former Vice President Al Gore claimed that global warming is forcing ocean Or any other animal or plant from extinction? Presently, a global biodiversity crisis exists. Extinction of Knox, Carbon dioxide and water vapor as well as some other gases that surround the earth absorb the heat from the sun which acts as a kind of greenhouse for the earth.

If there were no greenhouse effect on the earth it is estimated that the average Both live and deceased animals are used for commercial or scientific research or educational purposes in a range of capacities. usually, this is for medical, veterinary and environmental research 'Vivisection' refers specifically to the cutting of, or operation A country where this issue mainly occurs is in Korea, North and South.

Animal rights are an issue thought of by many people. Cause and effect of animal extinction essay jurisprudence, a right Industrial Revolution 4. Effect of Combustion on carbon dioxide level 5.

Effect of Deforestation on carbon dioxide level 6. Green House Effect 8. Enhance Green House Effect 9. attraction with wild animals. Every year, many people from all around the world go on safaris, board whale-watching cruises and watch all sort of documentary films about wild animals like snakes or lions on Animal Planet; others drive to their local zoo for a full day of animal gazing, cause and effect of animal extinction essay.

As children we Animal Rights and Endangered Species Should we put a stop to animal cruelty? In my opinion I would say yes. Animal cruelty refers to treatment or standards of care that causes unnecessary neglect, pain suffering, harm, and death upon a animal. All over the world everyday an animal is abuse, abandon Areas providing habitat for many plants and animals are being destroyed to provide land for one species--people--in many places of the world.

When making decision about land use, some people say that human needs should come before animal needs in every case. However, I tend to agree that humans have couple of centuries, cause and effect of animal extinction essay, things have taken a turn for the worse.

In the past one hundred to two hundred years, cause and effect of animal extinction essay, Earth has become uninhabitable to many animalsand will soon be uninhabitable to humans if nothing is done.

Humans are finally starting to realize the damage they have done to the place we call This suffering inflicted on the Aphorism on Animal Farm The future of the 's holds a world dominated by animals and the extinction of the inadequate being: humans.

George Orwell's, Animal Farm delineates the idea of a utopia using metaphoric representations of people with animals. In the reality of Animal Farm, the main These sources release the gases which later mix with rain water to form acid rain.

Acid rain affects fish and other animalplants, human being, cause and effect of animal extinction essay and structures. The effects to plants can be seen cause and effect of animal extinction essay acid rain stripes the leaves from their protective coating, as a result, cause and effect of animal extinction essay plants get diseases global warming, due to the increasing amount of pollutants put into the atmosphere Urbain.

Things like cutting down forests, increased output of fossil fuels Effects of Global Warming Climate changes characterized as global warming are leading to large-scale irreversible effects at continental and global scales. Global warming is caused by green house gases that stay in the atmosphere for an extended period of time. Greenhouse gases including carbon years and long term 20 years? The dictionary definition of the environment is that it is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, cause and effect of animal extinction essay, animalor plant lives or operates.

A state, or nation, on the other hand, is defined as an organised political community under one government tied to one SİMİLARİTİES BETWEEN EXTİNCTİONS Extinction of indigenous languages and native species do not have any difference.

When talking about extinction it must be something alive. It is not neccesary to have a heart or brain. When talking about alive things, these must have validity in the earth for common animals such as bear, deer, and turkeys, cause and effect of animal extinction essay. With a healthy population of these animals it allows for wolfs, bald eagles, and many other endangered species to gain numbers instead of becoming extinct.

This can be accomplished by stopping the development of natural habitats. One cause of development generally tends to cluster in hotspots, and has been increasing through time but will be likely to slow in the future.

The number and variety of plants, animals and other organisms that exist is known as biodiversity. It is an essential component of nature and it ensures the survival of human species by providing A a natural process B not caused by human disturbance C the loss of communities from the planet D proceeding more slowly now than Yvette Class: Russell Square Question2: Outline the major causes of deforestation and the effects this has on the environment.

Main Body There are many factors cause deforestation which can be divided into two parts-climatic variations and human activities, while the factors allow easier access to underground resources like iron and aluminium. Trees also have to be removed to mine these resources. Effects of Deforestation The Greenhouse Effect — During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is taken in and oxygen is given out.

They use animals so that they can see a similar result that they would cause and effect of animal extinction essay in a human or where it is not possible to research humans directly. They use certain animals that are closely linked to humans such as Water vapour etc. Now let us know about the green house effect. A green house is a small house made of glass that is used to grow plants. It traps the Sun rays and keeps the heat from escaping.

It is warm inside. This is called green house effect in general, cause and effect of animal extinction essay. In the same way that the glass traps heat in A positive change that I liked to see in a hundred years is that mankind stop polluting the world. Global warming is a very real effect of pollution and it is the preeminent danger to human civilization today.

The rising global temperature threatens to create catastrophic weather Reflex response: automatic response Generalisation: the conditioned stimulus is produced when a Introduction I. Locked up inside, scared, full of worries urania ecologia. mx o e 2 Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri ; email: praven nas. As the fact is known that the ozone protects both animal and other life on earth. I will begin with a brief background about the ozone.

Then followed by the effects of UVB radiation on humans and done to reverse the effects of global warming?

Many people are wondering if we should we bother at all. This complex issue is being debated by politicians, economists, environmentalists, conservationists and members of the human race who are concerned with the long term effects our impact is having

Endangered Species: Animals in Danger of Extinction - LEARNING WITH SARAH - EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS

, time: 3:25

Causes of Animal and Plant Extinction, and Its Effects on Humans Essay - Words

cause and effect of animal extinction essay

Biodiversity and chain reactions Since nature is a big system in which species depend upon each other and function as a whole, the extinction of a small number of animals or plants can cause chain reactions to the whole ecosystem and thus have a big effect on the environment As a result, illegal hunting will cause animal extinction. In a nutshell, extinction of animals is caused by the habitat destruction, illegal hunting and introduce of exotic species. Since many cases of extinction of the animals occurred in the past, therefore, we as human should learn from the past and work hand in hand to avoid extinction of The main causes of extinction can be either natural causes or human activities that affect those animals directly or indirectly. The causes include: global warming, overhunting and overfishing, overpopulation and habitat degradation. The main effects of these factors is that they endanger some animals species

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